
About Us

Join Us in the Green Revolution

Agri Scientist's Lab

We invite you to join us in the green revolution. Together, we can make agriculture safer, more sustainable, and healthier for generations to come. When you choose Agri Scientist Lab, you are choosing the best for your crops, your health, and our planet.

Explore our range of biopesticides and experience the Agri Scientist Lab difference today. Together, we can cultivate a better future for agriculture, one that thrives in harmony with nature.

Our Team

Our dedicated team of agricultural scientists, researchers, and experts work tirelessly to create biopesticides that meet the diverse needs of modern farming. We are committed to ongoing research and development, ensuring that our products remain at the forefront of eco-friendly pest control.

About Founder

“A decisive Board is cogitative, proactive, and supportive.”

Dr. Pratibha Sharma

Name: Dr. Pratibha Sharma
Designation: Director At Agri Scientist Lab and ICAR EMERITUS SCIENTIST

Dr. Pratibha Sharma, Professor, Division of Plant Pathology, IARI, joined Agricultural Research services in 1976 after completion of M.Sc.in Botany (Plant Pathology) from Rajasthan University. Completed her Ph. D. from Kanpur University as an in service candidate while serving as scientist in Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur (1990). Trained in host –pathogen Interaction from Gottingen University and Pflanzenschutz in AckerbauGrunland (BBA), Germany in 1993-94 through UNDP- FAO Fellowship.Also has an expertise in Variability in plant pathogens, Characterization of pathogenic variables, Biological Control, Microbial and Green Pesticides, Resistance, IPM, IDM in different cropping systems. Author of many books and publications including ICAR publication “Biological control of Plant Diseases and Weeds” released in 2014. Course Coordinator of national trainings of Centre of Advanced Faculty Training on Biological Control and Pathogen Variability providing the leadership to train more than 90 scientists and teachers of different parts of the country. Actively engaged in teaching and guided a number of M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. Developed carbendazim tolerant strain Trichoderma harzianum isolate for management of major soil borne and foliar plant pathogens and popularized at farmers’ level. Commercialized the Trichoderma technology to Companies (Sai Organics) and IPM Lab, Durgapura, Rajasthan in 2010 and 2014. General Secretary of Crop Protection Federation and Secretary of Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi has successfully made the Indian Phytopathology journal on line. Participated as a member of Task Force of Global Food Security of International Society of Plant Protection (2013) in Beijing, China. Participated in International Workshop on “Trichoderma and Gliocladium”in 2012 and 2014 for significant contributions to biological control and also honoured for hosting International Workshop on “Trichoderma and Gliocladium” in 2016 in Nagpur. Awarded by professional societies including latest National Crystal Agri award by Krishi Anusandhan and Kisan Vikas Foundation (2014), New Delhi and Sharda Lele award (2014) By Indian Phytopathological Society. Retired from ICAR services on 31st May, 2016 presently working as adviser and Visiting Professor IHITC, Jaipur.

About Proprietor

Name: Bharti Sharma
Designation: Proprietor At Agri Scientist Lab